

The Sunset

A difficult trek up the hill and a mesmerising view welcomed them. Then?

The Wordsmith

Will the future – although dominated by technology – still belongs to us humans?.

Thankless Job

The clock struck 11. After much labour Jina could put her little oene to sleep before  serving the dinner to Ray.  Jina had experimented with  a new chicken recipe today. She had...

​Mirror, Mirror On the wall

Dream House or nightmare???


Every night I desire her with all my heart but she avoids me viciously. My whole existence prays to the Almighty to make me one with her. But all in vain. The...


Source: Happiness


A new girl has joined our office fifteen days back. Her ever smiling face and dressing sense, especially the unique style of wearing her scarf around the head has impressed many, including...

Ideal Weather

The mobile was ringing. Reluctantly he took the call. "Where are you M? An important job has been assigned. Meet me urgently at the inn." "I have just opened my can of beer D....

