A Walk to Remember

-“So this is it?”

– “Yes, so it is.”

– “Couldn’t it have ended in some other way?”

– “Like a happily ever after?”

– “May be.”

– “Nah, not likely, we both do not believe in fairy tales.”

– “So what’s after this?”

– “A last walk together, perhaps?”
So one last time we walked across the beach. Together. Bare footed. None of us had the courage to start a conversation. Silently we tried to amass each other’s warmth as much as possible. Cold sea water washed away the sand from our tired feet. We walked alongside, didn’t hold hands, but it felt like we were embracing each other, firmly, like gripping the last straw before drowning. The cool breezes swept across our faces, trying to efface the tears swelling up. As the dusk set in slowly, the bright orange shadow of the sun on the dark blue sea reminded us of our more colorful days. But none of us could speak a word. Nor look at each other. Silently we sat under the red sky, beside each other, listening to the waves reverberating against the shores. 
Years have passed since that evening, but my dreams still recollect that scenery perfectly, the last words still lingering in the air, “Take care.”

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