The Soul Survivor
In the daily mundane life of a common man sometimes a miraculous incident arrive like an earthquake and perturb their whole existence. I experienced something similar on my Roopkund Trek last year....
The Lost History
Thousands of years ago, there was a prosperous kingdom called Malaya. The King was kind and brave. The subjects were hard working and jubilant. Art and literature flourished in this realm. The...
A Date Over Coffee
A lot can happen over coffeeThe coffee shop was jam packed, but something about the girl sitting beside the window overlooking the sea, instantly caught Aman’s attention. May be it was her...
Ten Commandments of Pujo
1. First and foremost its ‘PUJO’ and not ‘Puja’ . The most cherished dates a Bengali first looks up in a calendar. The blissful 5 days of Royal celebration.2. The advent is...
Kolkata Special 1
Planned for sosthi but reached somehow on saptami. Well better late than never. And now stuck in a jam in the Pandal clad vibrant city as expected." I told you visiting Kolkata...
Reading…My Discount Ticket to Everywhere
Great things are often said about the joy in creating a new music or anew art even a new story. But little is said about the ecstasy one find in reading. World...
Down the aisle of broken dreams
Love JihadSyed and Gayatri didn't mean to fall in love. But love happens when you least expect it. It creeps up suddenly. When someone needs attention, care, conversation, laughter and maybe...
Talking to a Facebook-Wall
Facebook, the social networking site which was originally conceived for college users have now become a parallel world in itself. I myself have been a member of it for quite a no of...