Book Review: The Magic Mindset by Preeti Shenoy

Book Title – The Magic Mindset : How to Find Your Happy Place

Author – Preeti Shenoy

Publisher – Harper Collins

My rating – 4 ⭐

I never liked self-help books. Often found them preachy and their approach non-practical. So I was skeptical about Preeti Shenoy’s The Magic Mindset. Yet I picked it up and it was a lovely surprise. It delivered what it promised and showed a path to find your happy place.

About the book

This book germinated from a series of blog posts by the author during lockdown called ’21 days of positivity’. This part interested me a lot like my book Tilottama At A Glance – a book about Kolkata was also conceived as blog posts first and later published as a book.
The book is intelligently divided into four parts. Part 1 introduces the readers to the concept of magic mindset. Moving on to the next part she describes practicing of magic mindset. Here the author tackles the major areas in all of our lives that affect our physical and mental wellbeing – namely, health, wealth, and relationships and how we can bring more positivity to these aspects of our lives. Having achieved that, part 3 focuses on the ways to sustain the magic mindset through awareness and handling situations beyond control. All these chapters are accompanied by small, doable exercises.
The fourth part deals with fun with a magic mindset. Here the author throws a 14-day challenge to the readers to gently nudge them towards a magic mindset. The best things about the challenge – the tasks are simple, practical, and helpful in the long run.

• The writing is crisp and done in a conversational style thus making the book interesting and non-preachy.
• Includes anecdotes and stories from the author’s life journey which makes the book more personal and interesting for the readers.
• The small exercises here and there. It makes the book interactive and boredom never come.
• Though I have completed the book going serially through chapters, one can pick up any chapter, maybe the mindset one is feeling at that moment and it will read the same. One need not compulsorily read it from start to end.
• It is a well-researched book. The author has quoted various experts and given validated suggestions.
• Loved the cover which gives a positive vibe.


If I have to nitpick, it is some of the concepts which seemed a repetition from various self-help books – topics that were common.

Another point, no a con though, is the target audience. The book would appeal to young adults and below 30 age groups more than the experienced generations.

Overall an enjoyable and practical book. Now looking forward to completing the 14-day challenge.

You can get the book on Amazon


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Book Title - The Magic Mindset : How to Find Your Happy PlaceAuthor - Preeti ShenoyPublisher - Harper CollinsMy rating - 4 ⭐I never liked self-help books. Often found them preachy and their approach non-practical. So I was skeptical about Preeti Shenoy's The Magic...Book Review: The Magic Mindset by Preeti Shenoy