Chapter G: The Greater Tragedy

Dear Diary,

I am back with my unfinished story. And where else can I go? You are the only one to understand my miseries, my friend.

So on that fateful day after they took away my beautiful tresses, they decided to give me a good bath. By they, I don’t mean the usual culprits. More people joined the couple. And you know what the woman did in front of so many people? She undressed me completely. I was already feeling naked with no hair on my head, and now I was one, literally. It was so embarrassing.

On that day I could not enjoy even my favourite bath time. Tell me diary, how would you feel to take a bath in the presence of a crowd? But, these adults are so insensitive.

Coming back to the story. I thought now I would get to eat those promised ‘rice and everything nice’. But, no. The jobless woman again started decking me up for some photoshoot. I kicked and shouted in protest. And had a semi-win at last. I wore the ‘gorgeous’ thing but didn’t allow her to button me up.

Triumphantly I moved towards the final arena where I could see all those colourful dishes, arranged beautifully. I was happy at last. They sat me on the lap of another man. This man comes to our house sometimes and the woman of the house keeps calling him Baba. Anyways, that gentleman was nice. He gave me a spoonful of something white. It was sweet. I liked it. He was about to offer me something more when the older woman who kept tugging my hands to see if I am hurt whenever I cried, came running to stop that.

I could not understand their words, but, their action spoke louder. I was to only taste that white thing thrice and the other items are only for show! This was beyond appalling. All my anger came down in the form of tears. Some other people also tried to offer me that same thing, I vehemently protested. It would take days to overcome this injustice. This drama has many more episodes, would tell you someday. Now, I am feeling sleepy. Time to shout for milk. Goodnight.

This post is a part of the A2Z021 challenge by Blogchatter.

The blogs of A2Z2020 on my beloved city Kolkata is now available in book format. You may check it at Kolkata Chronicles: An A To Z Guide For The Uninitiated

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  1. Aww finally I get to eat but only the white sweet rice. Poor baby again had to shout for milk and injustice stays in form of tears for long. Can well connect to tears my kiddo had dropped.. I can feel them now. Such creative posts, loving them a lot.

  2. Wow loving the series. today baby tried kheer first time and I loved to read her thoughts about the same. each post is so cute in this series dear.

  3. Aww.. he only got to eat the white thing out of so many dishes. That is certainly not fair at all!! Loving your series.


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