Chapter H: The House Party

Dear Diary,
I am taking a break from narrating the ultra eventful Rice ceremony. For now, let me tell you what happened last night.

As you know I love to live in peace, on my bed, tasting toys and books.  Wondering what I do with books? Let me tell you, the books taste heavenly. Now, coming back to the story.

I was happy in my serene world. But, the couple as usual was always planning to disrupt my peaceful existence. Last evening I could already feel something was amiss. The woman was wearing decent cloth instead of her faded t-shirts. She even combed her hair and the man was also wearing something presentable. Not the usual scene. But, I ignored them thinking it to be some fancy whims. I was peacefully rolling all over the mattress, chewing my favourite toy when the doorbell rang and two new people budged in. And what did they do?

Came straight to hold me !!! They even tried to talk to me. I was aghast. I could not understand why should I entertain such strangers? And why the couple was not interfering? I was reeling with the shock when more people poured in. And everybody wanted to touch me, without my permission. It was just not acceptable. The memories of the day of betrayal started coming back to haunt me. That day too, so many people came. But, I was busy dealing with the treachery and ignored them.

I looked at the couple to rescue me. For the first time, they understood the cue immediately. And before I could start my best howl, the clever woman took me to a separate room. Just me and the woman.

I cannot remember for how long we stayed there before I drifted off to sleep. And you know the best part? I did not wake up the entire evening till the last guest left. The couple did try to wake me up once or twice, but as soon as I heard the hustles from the adjacent room, I immediately went back to sleep.

Sleep is the best medicine to keep away unwanted people. I will share more such wisdom in the coming days.


This post is a part of the A2Z021 challenge by Blogchatter.

The blogs of A2Z2020 on my beloved city Kolkata is now available in book format. You may check it at Kolkata Chronicles: An A To Z Guide For The Uninitiated



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  1. So cute as always. Whenever i go see a new born i make it a point not to hold the baby. My son used to get cranky around strangers and i always thought people should just look at him
    Deepika Sharma

  2. Ha ha I loved when baby say work “Couple”. it sounds so cute. yes sleep is so previous to babies. looking forward what baby will tell us about it in next post,

  3. Aww my baby, glad you found the solution in sweet sound sleep. Such pity na everyone comes on his/ her comfort and picks and cuddles the baby.. no one even seeks the permission. House party becomes haunted party, glad he choose dreamy sleep.

  4. haha.. could so relate to the fact that the lady who used to be in her faded T-shirts was dressed decently on party day. Not fair that he had to compromise his sleep.

  5. Hahaha….addressing mom as that woman and parents as couple…I feel seriously little baby is so innocent to understand what and for why all these siyapa is going on.

  6. This series is real laughter riot yet the cutest one. Baby is so smart he knows how to find peace by sleeping, even though whole house is full of strangers.


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