The last day of the year!
The first thing that struck me when I woke up today was, gosh, how fast the days went. I clearly remember the last day of last year. The quarter end is an important day for us bankers. I was not feeling too well but I dragged myself to the office. By afternoon, I was seething with body pain and high temperature, my mouth tasted like vomit. And soon I was trailing myself back home, as the latest victim of what they called the third wave of Corona.
The first day of the year was busy – spent with doctors, tests, medicine, and pain. That was foreboding enough. As they say, morning shows the day, year 2022 for me saw more misses than hits
There were setbacks on the professional front, which took a toll on my mental health. On the personal front, my husband got transferred to a different city and that created a new set of complications and adjustments on the household front.
But on the threshold of a new year, I want to focus on the beautiful memories that this year gifted me, despite all the odds.
Diary of Sampurno
When I talk about gratitude, the first and foremost thought is of my son Sampurno who is growing up too fast. This year was made extra special by his antics. I may not be able to pen down #DiaryofSampurno regularly but know for sure the stories are now more adventurous.
The soon to be two-and-half year boy is already referring to his old pictures as “baby sampurno” and often starts his conversation as “Ami jokhon chhoto chhilam (when I was a kid)” 😂
Talk about how fast they grow up!
And not to forget we achieved a major milestone when the little one started school this April. His school-going saga should be a separate blog altogether. So sharing a few glimpses of our important day.

After a few mundane months, we could successfully execute our first and only trip of the year to a place called Digha. A short, fulfilling trip can rejuvenate the tired mind anyway.
And my sonny boy was so happy to see the sea!

Books and Writing
This year writing inspiration eluded me most of the time. However got to be part of an important discussion meeting of authors, organized by my publisher Ukiyoto. Also, I could race against time to complete the first draft of my novella. Hope the new year gives me the strength to edit and re-edit it.
During the first half of the year, I invested in reading more books but drifted midway. Next year I promise to be more consistent with reading, blogging, and writing.
Social Media Detox
I am so proud of myself for having the determination to stay off social media for a few weeks. Initially, I was skeptical of the plan. My husband laughed at me. He was sure I wouldn’t sustain a day without posting some crap on social media but I did. An impending exam gave the necessary push. But, the detox was rejuvenating. And I plan to continue it at regular intervals
The surprise dance performance
Like most Bengali families my parents wanted to teach me dancing and singing in my childhood. They enrolled me in classes. Well, it was brave of them to try the music venture considering my cacophonous voice. The dance was a different story. I was keener on the dance project. But then again young days have their challenges. The jazz and the glamour of dance were alluring but the hard work and dedication were not. So the excitement soon fizzled out as the effort had to increase.
Who knew years later I will again give myself a chance to tap my two left feet?
So my two-year-old’s school was gearing up for the annual function. And they wanted the mothers to inaugurate the show with some dance performance! My first reaction was, Impossible. But, then I did not know what came over me and I agreed
Am I glad that I took it up? Got connected to a few brilliant mothers, with the rehearsals almost going back to the house competition days of school. For the last 2 months, we visited our child’s school on weekends more diligently than they go on the weekdays.
My son in the meantime was getting ready for his first stage performance. And his confidence grew in me.

The final show was staged. Not without adventure though. But, that story is for another day. Both the momma and son had their bit of performance. I am proud of my son who jumped and swayed on the stage (and did not cry or run away.). The lights and the audiences were a little intimidating, he took his sweet time to adjust but then he enjoyed it. Just like momma who was nervous yet enjoying.
24.12.2022, Christmas eve ended on a happy note.
Resolutions for Next year
- Stay away from toxicity and toxic people
- Fight for my rights at both personal and professional levels
- Spend more time with the kiddo
- Read more books
- Be more productive with writing
- Plan more trips
So here was my happy recap of the year. Don’t forget to tell me how your year was. Wish you all a happy New year! May the new year brings happiness and prosperity to all.
This blog post is part of the Let’s Say Hello 2023 Blogging Activity hosted by Swarnali Nath
Awe that smile on little Sampurno is price less. What a lovely walk down the memory lane. What resonated with me the most is your resolutions. They are almost exactly the same as mine. Especially keeping toxicity aside
Hope I can say true to the resolutions . Thanks for stopping by the blog…
Sreeparna, I am always amazed at your balancing skill, how aptly you balance your work, family, and writing passion. Now with a little kiddo in the house, you must have more things to hassle, kudos to you for doing everything so wonderfully and excelling in every place equally. Wishing you a prosperous 2023!!! Sending lots of love, hugs and kisses to Sampurno.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. And thanks for making me write this blog. It really made me feel happy as I remembered the good moments…
That line of Sampurno brought a smile on my face. hey say it it so much pride. Isn’t? On every new year, it makes me wonder how much we have done in the past year. Mine was a blessed one in many ways. yes, I too has some occasional bumps but life will be very boring and monotonous without those bumps. They make us strong.
Thanks for your encouraging comment. Wish you a happy new year.
You are a young mom. Please do not pressure yourself. In spite of that, you are doing so much. Count your blessings and list your achievements, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Your son is adorable, God bless. Staying away from toxic people is a universal wish these days. Fighting for your rights is also the same. i used to be laid back but now I face and fight instead of just hiding.
Thank you so much for resonating with my thoughts. Wish you a happy new year.
Wow Sreeparna, surprise dance performance is commendable. Mothers can do anything if they will to.
When I read your bharatnatyam point in your blog, i instantly connected. Dancing gives us happiness. Thanks for reading my blog
I loved reading about your little one and couldn’t stop laughing while reading his comments. Mothers are resilience personified and you proved that. I hope you also take enough rest and pamper yourself from time to time. Personally my year was dealing with health issues of loved ones and was chaotic .
Hope you have a better and more fulfilling year in 2023. Thanks for stopping by the blog.
How nice that both mother and son got to perform on stage, it must have been quite a fun experience! It’s great that you managed to carry out a digital detox, it is of immense help to our well being. Here’s wishing you a fulfilling and prosperous year ahead. 🙂
I am planning on more digital detox. It is actually liberating. Thanks for reading the blog.
First things first Sampurno is the cutest dear, God Bless and lots of love to him. Glad that you accepted to dance it can be really liberating. Look forward to reading you more in 2023. Much love
True, true. Dancing can be liberating. Thanks for your encouragement.
Kudos to you on carrying on with such grace despite corona and being bogged down mentally. Loved when i was a kid line. Lovely picture compilation. Hope you complete all your resolutions for 2023
Ha ha, when I was a kid is superhit at my home too. Thanks for reading the blog.
Kudos to you, Sree for juggling with a toddler, full time job and then writing. Loved your lil one’s line , brought a huge smile . Wishing you all the best for 2023 !!
Thanks a lot dear. Hope this year prices better for writing.
Sreeparna it is always difficult to juggle work, family commitments as well as writing. But I think you are doing so great on all the fronts! Here’s wishing you a wonderful 2023
Thanks a lot for your encouragement. Wish you a happy new year.
I guess even I would agree with it. Writing for me has taken a setback this year. and yes, I too was very excited for reading and dropped it midway. But love how you concluded. write more read more and be with kids more, plan outings more
May all your resolutions turn to fulfilling. Really I am a fan of your writings so please write more. And your child is so cute. Hope to meet you some day in Kolkata. Thanks for writing.
I’m truly glad that despite the misses your chose to focus on the beautiful memories of the year. That’s how we must always be, looking ahead. Your champ is too cute! Those resolutions for the new year, bar a few, should apply to all of us. Read more, spend time with family and stay away from negativity. Hope you have a great 2023!
I feel inspired after reading your blog and the last year journey. Glad to see a mother doing multi-tasking. I feel motivated to do more as being a mother myself. Digital detoxification is the best and we need to do it atleast for a short period of time.
Lovely read, Sreeparna. You’re managing everything so well. More power!
Sampurno seems to be quite a handful, just like Shrav and he is the main reason behind Shravmusings blog as well. Now all he dreams and breathes is cricket. Time does fly fast. Your post was a lovely read
Beautiful pictures, Sreeparna. I think you handle a of things together. So kudos to you for that. I couldn’t imagine doing a job, raising a two year old and writing at the same time. You must pat yourself on the back.
I admire the fact that despite having a tough year, “having more misses than hits” as you say, you choose to focus on the positive and remember the happy moments of the year gone by. More power to you and wish that 2023 makes up for all the misses last year! And yes, our babies make up for almost anything!
Sampurno is so cute and I am sure your hands must be full through the year. Despite of this, you seem to have had a fulfilling year. Also, as you have mentioned, staying away from social media and negative people indeed paves a way for peaceful mind and positive aura around ourselves. All the very best for 2023
It was such a treat hearing about Sampurno and your year. Glad you could find your calm and sunshine even in turbulent times. I love the way you write, and am wishing you the best for 2023 where there’s lots of happiness, reading, learning, loving, and laughing. xo