

AtoZ 2020 – Theme Reveal

Corona Virus. Covid-19. Death and misery. These are the only words I see presently. Locked down at home, with all movement restricted, I was on the verge of losing my sanity in...

The Language Debacles

So the 2.0 version of the Modi Government starts with an education minister who had once claimed, “Astrology is No 1 Science in the World.” And a new controversy, “Hindi should be...

Diary of a makeup-challenged girl

The clock was ticking away in glory and I was racing against time. The tiffin was packed, gulping down the semi solid oats and not-so-hot tea and a quick goodbye to hubby...

The Fall of the Great Palace

The Palace was the most beautiful thing in the universe. It was God's own creation. The rooms were spacious, the corridors were green. Brooks flowed freely between the lovely gardens. There was...

Author Article: Sreeparna Sen

My interview in Criticspace

When Will We Stop Selling Women Sanitary Napkins Wrapped In Black Bags?

Source: When Will We Stop Selling Women Sanitary Napkins Wrapped In Black Bags?

The Blue Conspiracy

what will happen when mother nature decides to take back what she gifted us to nurture and we, the humans started mistreating

