BlogchatterWritFest: Connecting Readers with Authors #BlogchatterWritFest

You can make anything by writing – C.S. Lewis

Blogchatter is a platform close to my heart. From motivating me to join the A2Z challenge which resulted in my book Tilottama At A Glance, to help me level up my blog with #MyFriendAlexa or start writing for causes close to my heart for their #CauseAchatter forum – Blogchatter has been an integral part of my blogging experience. Last month they encouraged me to join the #WriteAPageADay and for once in life, I did try to follow a disciplined routine of writing. Well, success still remains elusive for me, that is a separate thread. Now as the new month ‘march’ in Blogchatter is effervescent with the 6th season of #BlogchatterWritFest – a unique event that connects readers of the community with authors! That means more writing, more books and lots of fun. A look at the elite list of writers and you would be as excited as me.

Know the Authors and Session details:

Mar 4  session is all about Relatability In Fiction and will have Meghana Pant, Kiran Manral and  Kanchana Banerjee

Mar 7 session will cover Writing Engaging Stories by the bestseller Preeti Shenoy.

Mar 11 session is the one to entice the thriller writers covering Thrilling your Reader by the talented authors  K Hari Kumar, Chandrima Das and Neil D’Silva.

Mar 21 session is for the poetry lovers Getting Started with Poetry with Sampurna Chatterjee.

Mar 25 session helps the genre of children’s books. Writing Books that Children Enjoy by Vibha Batra, Akhyrunissa and Vidya Man

You can sign up for these sessions through forms that will be shared from time to time. Keep an eye out for announcements so you don’t miss out on registration!

The goal of Blogchatter’s Writfest for me and many others like me –
• Improve my writing
• Meet my favorite authors
• Learn about new authors
• Promote and encourage reading
• Connect with like-minded people
• Learn new skills
• Being a novice in the world of publishing to learn a few tips and tricks to go about with book publishing

Benefits of Blogchatter’s Writfest:

• Series of sessions with a panel of authors to get multiple perspectives
• Exclusive sessions to understand the craft in-depth
• Giveaways for every session

My experience with stories

Among the panellists, I have already read K Hari Kumar and Neil D’Silva.

You can read my review of K Hari Kumar’s Dakhma here.

Let me share the review of another work by one of the most prolific horror writers.

Book Review of Neil D’Silva s RINGA RINGA ROSES.

I had read this book in 2020 during Durga Puja. With an almost 3 month little one at home and the corona asur lurking outside that puja was different from all others I had celebrated. And more so when the little boss was bothered by nasal congestions and demanded to latch with me for 24 hours. He was unable to sleep more than half an hour at stretch so stepping out to celebrate was not even an option. As usual, storybooks came to the rescue and in the 1/2 an hour breaks of the little one’s nap I completed Neil D’Silva s RINGA RINGA ROSES.
I have been a fan of horror stories since childhood. But not the ghastly, gruelling ones. The ones where there is a ghost or any other paranormal creature that can be defeated.

There are three stories in the book,
1. Children of the Walls

2. The Clay Mother

3. Two-tail.

The common theme was child protagonists.
Well, that’s made the stories more interesting.
In my opinion, The clay mother was more of psychological horror and the other two fits the bill of typical horror – ghost stories.

Out of the three my favourite was Two-Tail, not that the other two stories were any less gripping.

Now coming to the positive points of the book.

1. The descriptions are vivid and you will feel the tension as if one experiencing the same.

2. The child protagonists are characterized well.

3. Not many gory descriptions ( worked well for me)

There was not much to complain but as a reader, I felt some places could be improved like some parts seemed rushed, a little more details of the backstories would have worked wonderfully, especially in Two tails.

The clay mother was an interesting read but I felt a little more elaboration could have helped.

My rating 4 🌟

P.S. I Heard that The Clay Mother has been selected for screen adaptation.

You can get the book here.

Looking forward to knowing the other writers and more book recommendations. See you all at #BlogchatterWritFest


This post is written as a part of BlogchatterWritFest

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