

Chapter B: Did the baby Poop?

Just today as I was sipping into my happy phase after my favourite bath session, the same question attacked me for the hundredth time and spoiled my mood.“When are you going to do potty?”

Chapter A: The unspoken words

Oh God, where have you sent me? Put me back in the darkroom where I slept comfortably for months.

Book Review: ‘21 Stories for ’21’

‘21 Stories for '21’ – The book buzz anthology is a collection of beautifully curated 21 tales from our everyday human life, their dreams, their passion, their failures and fears. Different stories from stellar storytellers, all interweaved through a common theme of ‘feel-good-factor’. Human emotions are encompassed empathetically in each tale which engrosses the readers.

What’s in a name? #BlogchatterA2Z2021 Theme Reveal

I am not sure if I like this name or these adult bunch has actually finalize it. Because despite naming me Sampurno, they keep calling me with different quirky names all the time.

When Cupid Strikes

Neha unlocked her phone for the 100th time and sighed. Waiting for a delayed flight is one boring job. And the Facebook was proving to be the perfect nuisance by spamming her...

Book Review : Goya by Priya Bajpai

Book Name : GoyaNo of pages : 138Author Details : Priya U Bajpai is a Mumbai-based author and a poet.Cover : The cover is simple yet the beautiful combination of hues catches...

Tea With a Drop of Honey – A book to cherish

A cup of tea fixes a bad head ache, a boring meeting and a day gone terribly wrong. We all deserve a good cuppa tea and this book is exactly that. The...

2020 : Some joys, some tension and a vital lesson

If there’s one thing this wild year has taught us, it’s to count our blessings and really focus on the things that make us happy and keep us connected. And personally I learned a vital lesson. Not everything will go as planned.

