Tea With a Drop of Honey – A book to cherish

A cup of tea fixes a bad head ache, a boring meeting and a day gone terribly wrong. We all deserve a good cuppa tea and this book is exactly that. The latest presentation by The Hive, Tea with a drop of Honey is all that… Sugar, spice, and everything nice along with that extra spark which will brighten your day as well as the inhabitants of Prani, The Pet Sanctuary.

Prani, located in Bangalore, India, is home to over 700 rescued birds and animals. Because of COVID-19, Prani has lost its primary source of income – gate receipts. The Hive, have committed 50% of all proceeds from the sales of ‘Tea With A Drop Of Honey’ towards the upkeep of Prani

The book is available in Amazon. So please, please come forward. Read the book, write the review, encourage other friends to do so. I promise the stories would not disappoint you.

You can grab the book at below link 👇👇👇


This anthology has twenty-eight carefully curated stories from the everyday walk of life; simple stories of ordinary people, like you, me, and the person next door. One of my stories has got it’s place amongst these gems. Please do tell me your thought about it

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