Category: short stories
“Papa one more game, please.”
“This is the last game for today. Then we will study. Promise?”
“Promise. You hide. On count of ten I'll come to find you. One, two, three....”**************“Papa, what are...
Too much commotion was there in the office. Everybody was searching fanatically. The Supreme was sitting with knit brows and was looking askance.
“No trace of the key,” they reported.
He pursed his lips....
It all started with a simple “I dare you” in school.The challenge was to sneak a letter, more specifically, a love letter, into the school bag of Pooja. No romance was involved....
My bookstore mostly remains secluded during the afternoon. So I was dozing in my chair when a melodious voice stirred me up from my dream.
“Excuse me.”
And when I looked up, the most...
The office premise was almost empty. In one corner, Riya was waiting alone in her cubicle, for getting the files signed by her boss. The files were important and needed by Boards...
ফেসবুকে করতে করতে স্ক্রোল
থমকে গেল হাত, আটকে গেলো চোখ
একি ঠিক ই দেখছি?
আতঙ্কিত কচি বুকে উদ্ধত তিন তিনটে বন্দুকের নল!
ধূসর শহরে রক্ত রাঙা পথ
শুয়ে আছে সারি সারি সাদা কাপড়ের রোল।
কাপড়ের ফাঁকে কিছু মুখ...
Uncommon things have always caught the fancy of the little mind who is the main protagonist of today's story. Though it was never evident whether they gripped her thoughts permanently or was...
The Letters From the Land of Flamingoes
Dear Moon,
How are you my precious? Hope this letter finds you in great health. Is my little princess angry with me for not sending a letter every week? I am so sorry,...