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Bengali Posts - বাংলা

বাঙালি হয় ব্লগে বাংলা লেখা দেবোনা তা কি হয়।

Book Review

Book Reviews

Mental Health Benefits of Reading Books

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.The year 2021 brought some really hard times for our family. The terror of Covid gripped us and snatched away my beloved father-in-law. Still...

Movie Review : Aranyak

#Aranyak These days I am usually never up to date with the recent web series. The recommendations come, the weekends arrive but I miss them on time. The hiccups are many – office...

MSME and Ecommerce – Growing Together #ECommerceInnovation

As one of the rapidly developing nations, we cannot ignore the booming significance of MSMEs. I have already defined MSME and its role as the key contributors to employment and the GDP...

Oriplast – The best solution for your bath fittings.

The other day we were having an almost heated argument at home. The point of conflict – Bathroom renovation. We wanted to install the new, trendy bath fittings while Ma and Baba...

10 Tips For New Mothers To Join Back Work After Maternity Leave

Motherhood is crazy happy journey. And with it comes its own set of challenges. The working mothers often face a dilemma how to leave a six month old at home and how...

লালকালো গিরীন্দ্রশেখর বসু – পাঠ প্রতিক্রিয়া

#পাঠ_প্রতিক্রিয়া বই: লালকালো লেখক: গিরীন্দ্রশেখর বসু প্রকাশক: ঘরে বাইরে পাবলিশার্সআমি যত না বই খুঁজে পাই, বই আমায় প্রায়ই খুঁজে নেয়। যখন কথা হলো সুচেতনাদির সাথে, জানতে পারলাম ওনাদের ‘ঘরে বাইরে’ প্রকাশনী থেকে প্রথম প্রকাশের অনুলিপি...

MSME – The Backbone of Indian Economy

MSMEs are an important sector of the Indian economy. They contribute nearly 8% of the country’s GDP, around 45% of the manufacturing output, and approximately 40% of the country’s exports thus creating...

Book Recommendation: Trail XIII, the path to perdition by The Hive

The stories have all the elements a horror world can comprise of - witches, haunted houses, ghastly serial killers, occult, ancient myths and folklores, weird cults, monsters, the dark demons lurking behind the deepest fears of the mind. Most of the stories are good, some better than others.
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